Dani Willcutt

Name: Dani Willcutt

Primary field(s) of study: U.S. Food & Labor History, African American Women’s History, Immigration History, Digital Humanities, Cultural Heritage Management

H-Net: https://networks.h-net.org/users/dani-willcutt Humanities Commons: https://hcommons.org/members/daniwillcutt/

Personal website: http://willcut2.msu.domains/blog/curriculum-vitae/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniwillcutt/

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9986-9958

Bio for History Department webpage: Dani Willcutt is a doctoral candidate in United States Food and Labor History with secondary fields African American Women’s History and (Im)Migration History. She is also completing the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities. Her dissertation research project is titled, Serving it Up in the Capital City: Restaurants, Labor, and Restaurant Labor in Lansing, Michigan, 1963-2008. Prior to Michigan State, she received her Master’s in Gastronomy at Boston University where her research focused on culinary tourism. In addition, at Boston University, Willcutt received a Master’s Certificate in Economic Development via Sustainable Tourism Management, which she completed during fieldwork in Northern Tanzania. Willcutt’s broader interests include digital humanities, cultural heritage management, (digital) archiving, research methods, metadata, and career development within the humanities. Follow the links for up-to-date information on Willcutt’s research projects and activities.