
The Director of Undergraduate Studies is Dr. Emily Tabuteau. She advises all History and Global History majors and can be reached by email at Please contact Dr. Tabuteau if you have questions about the undergraduate program of the Department of History or would like to schedule an appointment. Staff advisor Brett Binkowski works closely with Dr. Tabuteau and advises students in the History: Social Studies Education major. He also coordinates internships in the department and is available for drop-on consultation in Old Horticulture 256. He can be reached by email at

Dr. Emily Conroy-Krutz is the Honors Advisor for the history department. She advises history majors in their junior and senior years working on history honors theses, and she directs the History Scholars. She can be reached by email at or by phone at (517) 884-4932.

Listserv: Dr. Tabuteau maintains a listserv for undergraduates interested in history (majors, minors and others) and a listserv for alumni who want to remain connected to the department. Both lists are intended to serve as discussion sites for history-related matters that members of the lists choose to raise. They both receive notices of interesting history-related items and events on and off campus. In addition, the undergraduate listserv receives announcements of university, college and department policies and deadlines; university, college and department positions open to undergraduates; jobs and internships; new and interesting course offerings, office hours and other items of interest to those who have not yet completed their undergraduate degrees. To be added to either list please send an e-mail message (containing your full name and the e-mail address you use) to

In addition, students are encouraged to seek mentoring from department faculty and guidance from Career Services early in their time in the major.