Peter Limb

Position: Adjunct Associate Professor
Africana Bibliographer, MSU
Field: Intellectual, Political
Region: Africa

Office: 366 W. Circle Drive (Room E224B)
Phone: (517) 884-0838
Fax: (517) 432-3532

Peter Limb (PhD W.Aust. 1997) is Associate Professor (Adjunct) in History, where he teaches occasional courses and co-supervises dissertations. He is also Africana Bibliographer, MSU Library. In 2014, and 2008-9 he was elected member of the MSU African Studies Center Faculty Advisory Committee and headed its committee on intellectual output. In 2012 he received the MSU Distinguished Faculty Award. Limb has written widely on South African history, including The People’s Paper: A Centenary History and Anthology of Abantu-Batho. Ed. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2012; The Autobiography and Selected Works of A. B. Xuma. Ed. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society, 2012; A Shared History: The ALP, the ANC and the Australian Anti-Apartheid Movement. Canberra: Labor International, 2012; The ANC’s Early Years (Pretoria: University of South Africa Press, 2010), Grappling with the Beast: Indigenous Southern African Responses to Colonialism, 1840-1920 (Leiden: Brill, 2010), Orb and Sceptre: Studies in British Imperialism and its Legacies (editor) (Melbourne: Monash University ePress, 2008); Nelson Mandela: A Biography (Greenwood, 2008); Digital Dilemmas and Solutions (Oxford: Chandos, 2004). Current research includes a book on the history of black politics in the Free State, and on the South African Empire. He also writes on digitization in Africa. Forthcoming articles include ‘Islamic Africa: A Select, Annotated Webography’ in Islamic Africa, “Introduction,” in Building and Maintaining African Digital Libraries (Leiden) and “The Global Antiapartheid Movement: A Critical Analysis of Archives and Collections” (with Chris Root and Richard Knight) Radical History Review. Field research includes Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa and he was a Visiting Fellow at Mayibuye Centre in 1995. Recent strategic partnership working visits include Nigeria and Malawi. Africa-related courses previously taught: South Africa and its Neighbors; Southern African History; African Historiography (graduate); Diamond Mining: South African Labor & Comparative History; Eastern Cape Political History; Namibian History, Missions, Nationalism and Narratives; Conflict in Africa. Research/Teaching Specialization: South/ Southern African History; Empire & Africa; Digitization in Africa; Black Politics, Class, Nationalism; Anti-Apartheid Movement; Labor History of Africa. He is Convener, Newspaper Committee, Cooperative Africana Microfilm Project, 2009-; Co-chairperson, Association of Concerned African Scholars, 2013-; Co-editor, Association of Concerned African Scholars Bulletin, 2011-; Co-editor, Africa Past and Present Podcast, 2008-; Co-coordinator, African Activist Archives, 2004-.