Zachary Levy

Name: Zachary Tyler Levy 

Year in program: First year 

Primary supervisor: Michelle Moyd, Walter Hawthorne  

Major field: African History 

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Zachary Tyler Levy’s research is centered on the fact that after 1873, circumstances for enslaved Africans and the nature of the inland slave trade were unique and complex. Zachary Tyler’s levy’s master’s thesis “Nira Ya Mtumwa Aliye Huru: Granville Kachipumo’s Life of Slavery and Redemption in Nineteenth-Century East Africa” argued, by shining a beam on the Salama and Granville Kachipumo’s complex enslavement narrative after 1873, Africans speaking for themselves established the continuation of slave trade. Zachary views the slave trade through both the imagined community and the Environment.