Professor Nwando Achebe’s The Female King of Colonial Nigeria: Ahebi Ugbabe has been awarded a third book prize. Named in honor of Ama Ata Aidoo, the celebrated Ghanaian writer, and Margaret Snyder, founder of UNIFEM, the Aidoo-Snyder book prize is awarded by the Women’s Caucus of the African Studies Association for the best scholarly book, published in the past three years (2010, 2011, and 2012), that prioritizes African women’s experiences. In selecting The Female King of Colonial Nigeria for the award, the Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize Committee had the following to say: it “is a richly researched and elegantly written book, which exemplifies the dual purpose of the Aidoo-Snyder prize most clearly because it is written by a woman, and prioritizes women’s experience. It is rare to find a history book that manages to balance rigor and a compelling narrative so well. This true story of Ugbabe’s female leadership role reads like fiction. It will enrich many disciplines in the area of African Studies.” The award will be presented during the African Studies Association Conference on November 21st.