Lunch and Learn: Wednesday, February 23

Lunch and Learn:

Beyond History 201 —

Services Provided by the MSU Librarians

Please join us on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 12:00pm, in Morrill Hall room 340 for the third in this semester?s Lunch & Learn: Teaching History sessions sponsored by H-Net and the Department of History. Light lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP if possible so that we have a firm count for lunch orders.

Mike Unsworth, American History and Canadian Studies Librarian, will discuss and demonstrate services of specialists at the MSU Libraries.

The library component of History 201 gives students a good introduction to research strategies and resources. The MSU librarians can build on this foundation in a number of ways. The Library continues to expand its scholarly resources and services and its librarians are committed to ensuring that professors integrate them into their teaching. Mike will discuss ways that the librarians can collaborate with professors on crafting effective research assignments. Mike will also focus on the uses and limitations on some of Google’s products.

Thanks in advance for your attendance! To RSVP, please send an email to Anita Anthony at

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