Name: Jada Gannaway
Year in program: Fifth
ABD Y/N: Yes
Primary supervisor: Dr. Glenn Chambers
Major field: Caribbean History
Minor fields: African and African American History
Jada Gannaway is a fifth-year doctoral candidate studying Caribbean History. Her dissertation, Unsung Heroines: A Political Biography of Altheia Jones-Lecointe, situates the political life and legacy of Trinidadian-born activist, Altheia Jones-Lecointe in two locales—Trinidad and London—during the Black Power Movement. Gannaway’s interests include Caribbean History, Black Left politics, Black women’s history, and Black Comparative history. Gannaway has been awarded research fellowships from the North American Conference on British Studies (NACBS), City University of New York Graduate Center, Michigan State University’s Center for Gender in Global Context and the Gender, Justice, and Environmental change. Additionally, Gannaway was the recipient of the 2023 Drusilla Dunjee Houston Award. Moreover, she recently published, “Altheia Jones-Lecointe: Black Women Activists and Historical Scholarship”, in Broadsides, the NACBS official blog. In her post Gannaway briefly highlighted the multilayered experiences of Black women activists and the globalized themes of the Black freedom tradition through the political life of Altheia Jones-Lecointe