History Association Presents “Ghost Stories”

The undergraduate history club will host its third annual Spooky Stories event on Tuesday, October 30 in from 7:30-8:30 in 206 Old Horticulture Building.


Professors from the MSU History Department will share scary tales and legends of ghosts, demons, and the supernatural from the various parts of the world that they study.  Storytellers this year will include Peter Beattie (Brazil), Nwando Achebe (Nigeria), Emily Conroy-Krutz (United States), Noah Kaye (Ancient Rome), and Ethan Segal (Japan).


The event is free and open to the public.  We’d be delighted for students, faculty, staff, and community members to join us.


For more information, please feel free to contact me (the advisor), the club president Helen Snyder, or vice president Alexandra Terzian.


spooky stories flyer