Dr. Georgina Montgomery is Co-Pi on a $600,000 National Science Foundation grant to study how diversity in science teams impacts ethical behaviors concerning credit and resource sharing. Working with a philosopher of science, two environmental scientists, and a psychologist, Dr. Montgomery will collect data from science teams across the United States concerning their diversity and resource sharing practices and form recommendations for best practices for MSU and other institutions seeking to increase ethical behaviors in science teams. Dr. Montgomery brings an historical perspective to the project, with several episodes in the history of science demonstrating examples of ethical or unethical sharing of credit and resources. Furthermore, Dr. Montgomery’s experience on various diversity and inclusion committees at the university and in the History of Science Society will assist in developing recommendations for institutional change and digital tools for disseminating this information. For more on this story visit: http://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2014/diversity-could-lead-to-ethical-behaviors-among-scientists/