Eddie Bonilla, a fourth year student, has been awarded an Andrew Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources by the Council on Library and Information Resources for his project titled “Debating the “Fronteras” and “Fanning the Flames”: Centro de Acción Social Autónomo, the August 29th Movement, and Chicano Marxism During the Chicana/o Movement, 1968-1990.” This nine-month fellowship will fund research across archives in the United States and Mexico and give Eddie time to complete his dissertation.
The fellowship encourages extensive and innovative uses of original sources to help junior scholars gain skills in developing knowledge from original sources found in repositories in the United States and abroad. Eddie is one of 17 recipients of this prestigious award that is open to the humanities and social sciences while also being open to scholars focusing on any region of the world. A list of the 2017 recipients can be found here: https://www.clir.org/fellowships/mellon/fellrecipients.html