Peter Beattie will give an invited keynote presentation “Mão de obra sentenciada e as categorias dos pobres intratáveis do Brasil no século XIX” (convict labor and categories of the intractable poor in nineteenth-century Brazil) to the VII Encontro Escravidão e Liberdade no Brasil Meridional (the Seventh Slavery and Liberty in Meridional Brazil Conference) at the Universidade Federal de Paraná in Curitiba on May 14, 2015. He will also give an invited lecture to the graduate program of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina “Categorias de trabalho coagido e a sequência e profundidade de reformas contra punições crueis no Brasil do século XIX” (Categories of Coercive Labor and the Sequence and Profundity of Reforms Against Cruel Punishments in Nineteenth-Century Brazil) in Florianópolis on May 18, 2015.