Name: Zachary K. Cho
Year in program: 3rd Year
ABD Y/N: 2025
Primary supervisor: Liam Brockey
Major field: Early Modern Europe
Minor fields: Atlantic World, Early Americas
Link to your personal page or profile: https://michiganstate.academia.edu/ZacharyCho
I am an early modernist broadly interested in the social and cultural histories of Ibero-America. My prospective research concerns configurations of race and slavery in Spanish Florida (La Florida) from the mid-16th to the onset of the 18th century. In doing so, I intend to address how factors such as Florida’s status as a nascent/fringe colonial outpost, indigenous regimes of bondage, and the presence of rival European empires in the English and French influenced ideas on race and slavery.
Prior to Michigan State, I received my MA in European and Russian Studies from Yale University in 2022. I graduated cum laude from Haverford College in 2020, majoring in History with high departmental honors. My BA and MA theses both covered topics on Iberian history.