Announcement for the 3rd Annual MSU Africanist Graduate Student Conference

We are pleased to announce that Michigan State University will convene its Third Annual Africanist Graduate Student Conference on the weekend of October 9-10, 2009. The theme for the 2009 conference is “Africa’s Challenges and Possibilities”. Dr. James A. Pritchett, Director of the MSU African Studies Center, will give the opening keynote address on Friday, October 9, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the International Center, Room 303. The keynote address will be followed by a reception. On Satruday, October 10, 2009, panels will run from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on topics such as technology, religion, sport, music, ethnicity, and politics in Africa.

The History Department’s generous support and involvement plays a critical role in the conference’s success. History Department organizers include Jill Kelly, Leslie Hadfield, Joshua Grace, Matthew Park, Erin Lambert, and Menna Baumann. This year’s department presenters include Joshua Grace, Matthew Park, Menna Baumann, Erin Lambert, Joseph Davey, Ndebueze Leonard Mbah, and Ashley Wiersma. Dr. Nwando Achebe and Leslie Hadfield are serving as panel discussants.

Please considering joining us for the conference. For more information, visit

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